
Michigan (480-489 and 495-499)

Infusion Product



(888) 505-2732

Hi my name is Candace Corradi, and I would like to introduce myself as your AlphaNet Coordinator.

I live in Columbus, Pennsylvania with my husband and daughter.  I worked as a Registered Nurse prior to joining the AlphaNet team.  I spent most of my nursing career in our local hospital.  I also spent some time working for a family practice physician and a home health agency.  I enjoy reading, baking, cooking, going to movies, and spending time with my family.

I was diagnosed with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (Alpha-1) while working at the doctor’s office.  Actually, it was a drug representative that visited our office quite often who always asked me how my “asthma” was doing.  He noticed me getting worse and asked me to take a free, simple blood test.  The results came back as “SZ” but unfortunately, nobody in the office had ever heard of Alpha-1; therefore, they did not know how to interpret the results.

When the drug rep visited the office again, I asked him to review the results with me.  Immediately, he said, “I knew it! I knew you had it!  I need to get you to a Pulmonologist that I know that specializes in this lung condition.”  I will always be eternally grateful for that special drug representative.

I am passionate about educating you, assisting you in your health care management, and most importantly, being here to listen to your concerns.  Knowledge is power and there is always something to learn.  If I don’t know the answers to your questions, then I will be happy to try and find the answers.  Now is the time to take control of your health; allow me to help you.  Remember we are just like you!   Our motto is “Alphas serving Alphas.”